Data Bases and Knowledge Bases: Which Approach is Good for What? - Panel.

Yannis Vassiliou, Valeria De Antonellis, Klaus R. Dittrich, Michael V. Mannino, Shamkant B. Navathe: Data Bases and Knowledge Bases: Which Approach is Good for What? - Panel. ER 1988: 47-55
  author    = {Yannis Vassiliou and
               Valeria De Antonellis and
               Klaus R. Dittrich and
               Michael V. Mannino and
               Shamkant B. Navathe},
  editor    = {Carlo Batini},
  title     = {Data Bases and Knowledge Bases: Which Approach is Good for What?
               - Panel},
  booktitle = {Entity-Relationship Approach: A Bridge to the User, Proceedings
               of the Seventh International Conference on Enity-Relationship
               Approach, Rome, Italy, November 16-18, 1988},
  publisher = {North-Holland},
  year      = {1988},
  isbn      = {0-444-87453-4},
  pages     = {47-55},
  ee        = {db/conf/er/VassiliouADMN88.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/er/88},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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[De Antonellis 1]
Michael L. Brodie, John Mylopoulos (Eds.): On Knowledge Base Management Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies, Book resulting from the Islamorada Workshop 1985. Topics in Information Systems Springer 1986, ISBN 3-540-96382-0
Contents BibTeX
[De Antonellis 2]
[De Antonellis 3]
Michael L. Brodie, John Mylopoulos, Joachim W. Schmidt (Eds.): On Conceptual Modelling, Perspectives from Artificial Intelligence, Databases, and Programming Languages, Book resulting from the Intervale Workshop 1982. Topics in Information Systems Springer 1984, ISBN 3-540-90842-0
Contents BibTeX
[De Antonellis 4]
[De Antonellis 5]
E. F. Codd: Relational Completeness of Data Base Sublanguages. In: R. Rustin (ed.): Database Systems: 65-98, Prentice Hall and IBM Research Report RJ 987, San Jose, California : (1972) BibTeX
[De Antonellis 6]
Hervé Gallaire, Jack Minker (Eds.): Logic and Data Bases, Symposium on Logic and Data Bases, Centre d'études et de recherches de Toulouse, 1977. Advances in Data Base Theory Plemum Press 1978, ISBN 0-306-40060-X
Contents BibTeX
[De Antonellis 7-1]
Hervé Gallaire, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Jack Minker (Eds.): Advances in Data Base Theory, Vol. 1, Based on the Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Bases for Data Bases, December 12-14, 1979, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace de Toulouse (CERT), France. Advances in Data Base Theory Plemum Press 1981, ISBN 0-306-40629-2
Contents BibTeX
[De Antonellis 7-2]
Hervé Gallaire, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Jack Minker (Eds.): Advances in Data Base Theory, Vol. 2, Based on the Proceedings of the Workshop on Logical Data Bases, December 14-17, 1982, Centre d'études et de recherches de Toulouse, France. Advances in Data Base Theory Plemum Press 1984, ISBN 0-306-41636-0
Contents BibTeX
[De Antonellis 8]
Hervé Gallaire, Jack Minker, Jean-Marie Nicolas: Logic and Databases: A Deductive Approach. ACM Comput. Surv. 16(2): 153-185(1984) BibTeX
[De Antonellis 9]
Hidenori Itoh: Research and Development on Knowledge Bases Systems at ICOT. VLDB 1986: 437-445 BibTeX
[De Antonellis 10]
Larry Kerschberg (Ed.): Expert Database Systems, Proceedings From the First international Workshop, Kiawah Island, South Carolina, USA, October 24-27, 1984. Benjamin/Cummings 1986, ISBN 0-8053-3270-7
Contents BibTeX
[De Antonellis 11]
Larry Kerschberg (Ed.): Expert Database Systems, Proceedings From the First International Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, April 1-4, 1986. Benjamin/Cummings 1987, ISBN 0-8053-3271-5
Contents BibTeX
[De Antonellis 12]
Larry Kerschberg (Ed.): Expert Database Systems, Proceedings from the Second International Conference, Vienna, Virginia, USA, April 25-27, 1988. Benjamin/Cummings 1989, ISBN 0-8053-0311-1
Contents BibTeX
[De Antonellis 13]
[De Antonellis 14]
Raymond Reiter: Towards a Logical Reconstruction of Relational Database Theory. On Conceptual Modelling (Intervale) 1982: 191-233 BibTeX
[De Antonellis 15]
[De Antonellis 16]
John Alan Robinson: Is Logic Programming Enough? DS-2 1986: 307-319 BibTeX
[De Antonellis 17]
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